
Brigham Young called the Robert H. Williams, Harry Gasman, and John F. Carlson families from Paris to establish the town of Ovid. They arrived on July 6, 1864. It was first called North Creek, but after Joseph Rich surveyed the town site area, he suggested the name Ovid after his favorite Roman poet, who lived from 43 BC to 17 AD. Rich laid out the town in 10-acre squares, with each family receiving four acres of ground.

Other families followed, including Thomas C. Peterson, Niels Christian Edlefson, Peter Jensen, Rasmus Jorgensen, Jens Hansen, and Henry Peterson. Nearly all of them were from Scandinavian countries.

The first summer, the people lived in wagons and returned to Paris to live in cabins for the winter. Lars Peter Jensen was the first child born in Ovid on Nov. 24, 1864, while the family was still living in a dugout-tent-type shelter. The first death was Charles Ellis, who died of pneumonia.

Thomas C. Peterson constructed the first building dugout of the hillside and reinforced with willows, logs, and rushes. By 1865 John F. Carlson built the first permanent home, others followed that same summer. In 1866, there was an Indian scare, so the families traveled heavily armed back and forth to Paris. They tired of this and decided to build a fort for protection. It never was a military fort, but was used to train the Ovid Militia and created a place for town gatherings.

John Kunz made the first commercial cheese in Ovid in 1871, but he moved to Bern. Many other trades were established in Ovid: a grist mill by Jorgen Jorgenson, a small furniture factory by Erastus Peterson, a blacksmith shop by Nicholas Wilson (making wrought-iron trimmings), and shoes and glue from animal hoofs by Peter Jensen.

Ovid's first school was held in homes in 1865, then in the first church house. A log school was built in 1875. The first teacher, Isaac Tunks, had 22 students from ages 7 to 25. Between them, they spoke three different languages, but Tunks only spoke English.

The second school burned down after five years. A nice brick school replaced it and was used until consolidation in the 1950s. It still stands today just north of Ovid corner.

Church was first held in homes until 1867 when a log one was built. There were four presiding elders at different times. They were Robert H Williams, Henry Gasman, Niels Christian Edlefson and Peter Jensen. Jensen became the first Bishop.

In 1896 a beautiful white frame church house was completed. It was built by three foreman speaking three different languages with all volunteer workers. Today it stands all weathered and vacant.

A dance hall owned by the Olson brothers was popular for many years until it burned down.

The post office was established in 1873 with Niels Edlefsen as the postmaster. The first store was opened by Fred Woods in 1872. The last Post Office/store owners were Grant and Nina Sorenson. The post office, stores and gas station have all closed, but Jensen Lumber has a thriving business and there are some nice new homes and ranches in Ovid.


  1. J. Patrick Wilde Treasured Tidbits of Time Vol. p.40,